Obywatelsko-polityczna koncepcja narodu ukraińskiego (według Wacława Lipińskiego)


  • Ірина Кресіна Інститут держави і права імені В. М. Корецького НАН України, Ukraine

Słowa kluczowe:

ethnic, political and synthetic concept of the nation, the Ukrainian national idea, core ethnos, ethnic and national dominant


The article is analysed of Vyacheslav Lypynski's views, the concept of Ukrainian political nation, the basis of which is love to the native land is developed. Ethnic, political and synthetic concept of the nation are considered, the differences between ethnic and national as dominant components of the Ukrainian national idea are indicated, the components of the modern Ukrainian national idea are proposed.

Biogram autora

Ірина Кресіна, Інститут держави і права імені В. М. Корецького НАН України

Kresina Irena






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