Релігійний чинник у національно-духовному відродженні, трансформації світоглядних пріоритетів та демократичних процесах в Україні (на прикладі УГКЦ)
Ключові слова:
religion, church, democracy, ideological pluralism, secularization, totalitarian sectsАнотація
The influence of religion and churches on the democratic processes in the world, the beginnings of the spiritual rebirth of Ukraine and the current situation in the religious sphere in our country are analyzed in the article. The attention is paid to the activity of totalitarian sects, lack of moral standards in the Ukrainian society. The causes and consequences of secularization in the West and in contemporary Ukraine are investigated, the need for ideological orientations as for the Ukrainian society, and for the Ukrainian state are emphasized.##submission.downloads##
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