Optimization of some elements of cultivation technology of ornamentals in the north-eastern part of forest-steppe of Ukraine
Buxus sempervirens, Thuja occidentalis, growth regulators, cutting, Rhizopon, fumar, rootingAbstract
Aim of the experiment was to study factors influencing on effectiveness of the root formation in cuttings of ornamental plants (Buxus sempervirens L., Thuja occidentalis L.).
Methods. The experiment was conducted in a nursery at the Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine in 2013–2015. The types and mixtures of rooting media and rooting hormones were used, and terms of plant cutting under mist were analyzed.
Results. It has been found that the best substrate for rooting cuttings of these species was a mixture of peat DOMOFLOR (pH 6.0) and sand in the ratio 1:1. It has been revealed that its acidity and the optimum time for plant cutting are important components of cultivation technology of plant propagation material. B. sempervirens is proved to be successfully propagated from April to August, and cuttings T. occidentalis – in April. There has been grounded the appropriateness of Rhizopon AA powder for rooting stem cuttings T. occidentalis.
Conclusion. The best media for rooting cuttings of ornamental species with the closed root system included peat, sand and humus in the ratio of 1:1:0.5. It set up the effect of using the rooting hormone (Rhizopon AA poeder); propagation of shrub ornamentals: B. sempervirens is more expediently from April to August by stem cuttings, T. occidentalis - in April
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