Influence of led radiation of various wave length on growth intensity of staphylococcus aureus




led radiation, Staphylococcus aureus, influence, growth, photomodification, purulent-inflammatory diseases, phototherapy


There are presented the results of the study of led radiation of red-infra-red and blue-infra-red diapasons of Medolight Red and Medolight Blu Doc devices on the growth of clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, and collection test-strain Staphylococcus aureus АТСС 25923.

Aim of research – to determine the effect of led radiation on the intensity of Staphylococcus aureus growth on solid nutritive mediums.

Materials and methods. For the research there were taken daily agar cultures of microorganisms, led to the turbid standard 0,5 by McFarland. The obtained inoculum was dissolved in 1,6x105 and inoculated again on Petri dishes with further radiation. Separate series determined the influence of led radiation of different wave length, expositions and frequencies. The results were estimated by the calculation of the number of bacterial colonies, grown on Petri dishes, and compared with the control- non-radiated cultures. 

Results. As a result of experimental studies it was established, that led radiation essentially influences the microorganism growth. The effect of this influence depended on radiation parameters. At short-term expositions we observed the stimulation of bacteria growth, whereas their increase stimulated the bactericidal effect. Rather important influence was inherent to the frequency of the light flow – radiation with the frequency 8000 Hz most essentially decreased the number of bacterial colonies, comparing with the control.

Conclusions. Led radiation has the photo-modifying effect on studied Staphylococcus aureus strains. This effect was manifested in the bacteria growth stimulation at expositions for 5-10 minutes or bactericidal effect at radiation during 20-25 minutes. At optimal parameters of radiation (exposition 25minutes, frequency 8000 Hz)the number of bacterial colonies decreased by  26-34,5 %, comparing with the control

Author Biographies

Valery Pantyo, SHEE «Uzhhorod National University» Narodna sq., 3, Uzhgorod, Ukraine, 88000

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of microbiology, virology and immunology with the course Infectious Diseases 

Galina Koval, SHEE «Uzhhorod National University» Narodna sq., 3, Uzhgorod, Ukraine, 88000

MD, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Microbiology, virology and immunology with the course Infectious Diseases 

Valery Pantyo, SHEE «Uzhhorod National University» Narodna sq., 3, Uzhgorod, Ukraine, 88000

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of general surgery 

Sergiy Gulyar, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology Bohomoltsia str., 4, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

MD, Leading Researcher

Department of general physiology of nervous system


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How to Cite

Pantyo, V., Koval, G., Pantyo, V., & Gulyar, S. (2017). Influence of led radiation of various wave length on growth intensity of staphylococcus aureus. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (4 (7), 16–20.



Biological Sciences