Determination of lumbricus terestris population density in soil layers from the aboyotic factors complete effect under conditions of north-eastern Ukraine




Lumbricus terestris, variety, population density, soil, abiotic factors, correlation, regression


Aim. The aim of the research is to establish the dependence of Lumbricus terestris population density in different soil layers on the complex (complete) effect of abiotic factors under conditions of the Northern East of Ukraine.

Methods. The methods of the research are field (method of excavations for determining the population density, selection of soil samples) and laboratory ones (determination of humidity,  рН, electrical conduction (ЕС) of the soil).

Results. The example of three abiotic factors (temperature, humidity and рН of the soil) demonstrates their complex (complete influence) on the Lumbricus terestris population density in soil layers 0–20 and 20–40 cm. Partial and plural coefficients of correlation of signs of temperature, humidity, рН of the soil and number of individuals, pair coefficients of correlation of signs of concentration of organic and non-organic substances (TDS) in the soil solution and population density of the variety testified to the different character of connections and dependencies.  

Conclusions. The importance of the influence of one or another abiotic factor at the constant value of another one on the population density from the least to the biggest one grows in the succession: temperature, humidity, рН. The importance of the influence of the complete effect of two factors grows in the succession: temperature and humidity, humidity and рН, temperature and рН. The correlative-regressive model gives a possibility to prognosticate the soil fertility (in the wide understanding) depending on this variety population

Author Biographies

Katerina Borodina, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv national pedagogical university Kyievo-Moskovska str., 24, Hlukhiv, Sumy region, Ukraine, 41400

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of theory and methodology of teaching natural sciences

Oksana Tovstyka, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv national pedagogical university Kyievo-Moskovska str., 24, Hlukhiv, Sumy region, Ukraine, 41400

Department of theory and methodology of teaching natural sciences


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How to Cite

Borodina, K., & Tovstyka, O. (2017). Determination of lumbricus terestris population density in soil layers from the aboyotic factors complete effect under conditions of north-eastern Ukraine. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (5 (8), 4–7.



Biological Sciences