The lysozyme activity in liver and сolon dysbiozis after experimental antibiotic therapy




antibiotics, lysozyme, urease, dysbiosis, blood serum, liver, large intestine, rats


As far as antibiotics cause dysbiotic and hepatotoxic side effects, there appeared the interest to the experimental study of the influence of antibiotics on the antimicrobial function of the liver and colon microbiota, especially lysozyme activity in tissues of rats.

Aim –is to study the influence of several antibiotics on lysozyme activity in the liver, blood serum and colon.

Methods. The studies were realized on rats of Wistar line, that were administered with soluble forms of antibiotics with drinking water: cefixime (20 mg/kg), or sumamed (25 mg/kg), or amoxiclav (40 mg/kg), or lincomycin (60 mg/kg) during 5 days, or antihelicobacter complex (omeprasole 1,33 mg/kg, amoxil-К 50 mg/kg and clarithromycin 7,5 mg/kg) for 8 days. Doses corresponded to developers’ recommendations. Euthanasia of animals was realized under thiopental anesthesia (40 mg/kg) in 5 days after the last intake of antibiotics. Lysozyme and urease activity was determined the blood serum, homogenates of the liver and colon mucosa, and the dysbiosis degree was calculated by their level according to Levitsky by the enzymatic method. The results were processed using Student t-criterion.

Results. Antibiotics cause the decrease of lysozyme activity in the colon mucosa, blood serum and liver of rats. This factor decreases most after using lincomycin and antihelicobacter complex, insignificantly – after amoxiclav. Synchronously, urease activity in the colon mucosa, blood serum and liver and also the dysbiosis degree in the colon increase. Lincomycin and antihelicobacter complex essentially raised these indices. The course of amoxiclav, in opposite, caused the minimal effect on urease activity and dysbiosis degree. The obtained results allow to presuppose that reproduction of pathogenic and conventionally pathogenic microflora in the mucosa of the large intestine, established by the increase of urease activity, may be a result of weakening of activity of the antimicrobial factor of lysozyme of the liver and colon after the realized antibiotic therapy. It must be taken into account at elaborating the prophylaxis of side effects of antibiotics

Author Biographies

Anatoliy Levitsky, State establishment “Institute of stomatology and maxillo-facial surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”

Doctor of Science in Biology, Professor, Corresponding Member NAMS of Ukraine

Olga Makarenko, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University Dvorianska str., 2, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of Department

Department of Human and Animal Physiology

Наnna Maikova, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University Dvorianska str., 2, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082

PhD, Associate professor

Department of Human and Animal Physiology

Tetiana Kolomiichuk, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University Dvorianska str., 2, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082

Senior lecturer

Department of Human and Animal Physiology

Olga Pavlichenko, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University Dvorianska str., 2, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082

Senior lecturer

Department of Human and Animal Physiology


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How to Cite

Levitsky, A., Makarenko, O., Maikova Н., Kolomiichuk, T., & Pavlichenko, O. (2017). The lysozyme activity in liver and сolon dysbiozis after experimental antibiotic therapy. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (5 (8), 7–11.



Biological Sciences