Spectral characteristics of cardiac rhythm in a resting state in conditions of passive antyorthostasis in people with high and low functional mobility of nervous processes
functional mobility of nervous processes, spectral characteristics of the cardiac rhythm, passive antyorthostasisAbstract
Aim of research. Spectral characteristics of cardiac rhythm (CR) in a resting state and in conditions of antyorthostasis in people with high and low functional mobility of nervous processes (FMNP)
Methods. The method of registration of CR in a resting state (lying position) and in conditions of passive antyorthostasis (head-down-tilt) in people with high and low FMNP was applied with the help of computer complex ”Cardiolab+”.
Results of research. Spectral characteristics of CR in lying position and in conditions of head-down-tilt in people with high and low FMNP were investigated. Spectral characteristics of CR of persons with different FMNP during lying position had no significant differences. In head-down-tilt conditions differences in characteristics of CR regulatory processes of persons with different FMNP were revealed. Correlation between FMNP and indexes of CR functioning recorded in head-down-tilt conditions were established. This was shown by a bigger participation of high extracardiac centers in regulation of CR in persons with high FMNP.
It confirms the participation of the FMNP in the development of adaptive rearrangements.
Conclusions. In lying position there were not founded differences between indexes of CR in people with different FMNP and was installed the prevalence of intracardiac adaptive mechanisms. It was established that the level of functioning of the CR in the conditions of head-down-tilt was associated with the individual expressiveness of the FMNP. Correlation analysis found out the participation of the individual properties of FMNP in the activation of autonomic mechanisms of CR regulation during the processing of adaptive reactions to antyorthostasis. In persons with high gradation of the investigated typological property of the spectral characteristics of CR adaptive reactions were differentiated by higher stress of vagosympathetic, sympathetic and humoral-metabolic extracardiac mechanisms of regulation of the autonomic nervous system. The adaptive reactions of persons with low FMNP occurred at the lower level of the functioning of the CR; differed in sympathetic regulation and had a narrower range of CR
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