Biological features of blood lymphocytes of the primary patients with endometrial cancer
endometrial cancer, radiation therapy, blood T-lymphocytes, chromosomal aberrations, dose dependence, predictors of radiosensitivityAbstract
The aim: to examine the radiosensitivity of chromosomes of T-lymphocytes in the blood of primary patients with endometrial cancer depending on the radiation dose. It was expected that the investigations would reveal a cytogenetic parameter as a predictor of radiosensitivity in non-malignant cells of patients exposed to curative irradiation.
Materials and methods. Blood samples from 20 primary patients and 30 conditionally healthy donors were examined. Peripheral blood T-lymphocytes culture test system with metaphase chromosome aberration analysis was used. X-ray test-irradiation was performed at G0-stage of the cell cycle in the dose range of 0.5–3.0 Gy.
Results. It was shown that the spontaneous level of chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of primary patients before anti-tumour therapy is 7,82±0,33 aberrations/100 metaphases. This is more than 2-fold higher than the upper limit of average population index and approximately 6-fold higher than the data of own control. In our study during X-ray irradiation of cells cultures of patients, it was found for the first time that the total frequency of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations obeys the classical linear quadratic dose dependence with a predominance of linear component values; the frequency of radiation markers – also linear quadratic dose dependence, but with a predominance of quadratic component.
Conclusions. High specificity of T-lymphocyte chromosomes to exposure to ionizing radiation as well as strict dependence of chromosome aberration yield on exposure dose justify their use as predictors of radiosensitivity of healthy cells from the tumour environment. The revealed dependences of induction of chromosomal damage in T-lymphocytes of patients with endometrial cancer prove the need for a personalized approach to plan the course of radiation therapy
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