The state of natural leptospirosis cells activity and functioning in the dry steppe zone of the Northwest Black Sea region




enzootic functioning, cells, leptospirosis, natural infection


The territory of arid steppe terrain in climate and landscape social conditions largely determines the capacity and activity of local cells of leptospirosis.

The features of enzootic functioning of cells in different landscape areas have the key meaning in the epidemic estimation of the territory that requires detailed knowledge of ecological, landscape and biocenotical geographical specificity of circulation circles of pathogen leptospirosis. On the basis of serological control of rodents and reporting data of laboratories SES about the results of analytical studies was made the analysis of eco-social nature of epizootic manifestations of natural infection in the region and established that a key role belongs to economic and socio-economic factors, the effect of which covers the entire research area and changes spatial, structure and etiological structure of natural cells of leptospirosis

Author Biography

Svitlana Sushko, V. O. Sukhomlynsky Mykolaiv national University Nikolska str., 24, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 54030

Postgraduate student

Department of biology and ecology 


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How to Cite

Sushko, S. (2017). The state of natural leptospirosis cells activity and functioning in the dry steppe zone of the Northwest Black Sea region. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (1 (4), 25–31.



Biological Sciences