The analysis of vitality structure of Chimaphila Umbellata (L.) W. Barton CENOpopulations in forest phytocenoses of the novgorod-sivers’k polissia




cenopopulation, vitality, vitality structure of cenopopulations, quality index, Chimaphila umbellatа


The population analysis included nine Chimaphila umbellatа cenopopulations from different groups, typical for Novgorod Siver’sk Polissia: Pinetum (sylvestris) pleuroziosum (schreberi), Pinetum (sylvestris) callunoso (vulgaris)–pleuroziosum (schreberi), Pinetum (sylvestris) vaccinioso (myrtilli)–pleuroziosum (schreberi), Pinetum (sylvestris) convallarioso (majalis)–pleuroziosum (schreberi), Pinetum (sylvestris) franguloso (alni)–vaccinioso (myrtilli)–pleuroziosum (schreberi), Pinetum (sylvestris) sorboso (aucuparii) –convallarioso (majalis)–pleuroziosum (schreberi), Querceto (roboris)– Pinetum (sylvestris) pleuroziosum (schreberi), Pineto (sylvestris)–Betuletum (pendulae) vaccinioso (myrtilli)–pleuroziosum (schreberi), Betuletum (pendulae) vaccinioso (myrtilli)– pleuroziosum (schreberi).

The aim of research was to explain the features of vitality structure of Chimaphila umbellatа cenopopulations in aforesaid forest phytocenoses of studied region.

The morphometric analysis, attended by the assessment of 17 morphometric parameters in Chimaphila umbellatа plants was used during the research. In the same time the algorithm of vitality analysis, attended by determination of correlations between morphoparameters and estimation of their factor loads, was realized.

It was established, that in Chimaphila umbellatа plants at the level of correlation r=0,85 and higher, the dimensional values form four pleiads. Most factor loads were registered in indices of leaves mass, general area of leaf surface, general phytomass, number of leaves, photosynthetic effort and also ratio between the area of leaf surface and phytomass. On the base of combination of correlative and factor solution among the totality of morphoparameters that characterize the state of Chimaphila umbellatа ramets of generative ontogenetic state we fixed the dimensional parameters that determine the vitality of plant of this specie: general phytomass of plants, general area of leaf surface and photosynthetic effort.

The results of vitality analysis testified that Chimaphila umbellatа cenopopulations are rather diverse by vitality structure. Their signs correspond to all three vitality types: depressive, moderate and flourishing. The depressive one is cenopopulation from the group Pinetum (sylvestris) vaccinioso (myrtilli)–pleuroziosum (schreberi). The moderate include cenopopulations from the groups Pinetum (sylvestris) callunoso (vulgaris)–pleuroziosum (schreberi), Querceto (roboris)–Pinetum (sylvestris) pleuroziosum (schreberi), Pineto (sylvestris)–Betuletum (pendulae) vaccinioso (myrtilli)–pleuroziosum (schreberi), Betuletum (pendulae) vaccinioso (myrtilli)–pleuroziosum (schreberi). The flourishing ones are cenopopularions from the groups Pinetum (sylvestris) pleuroziosum (schreberi), Pinetum (sylvestris) convallarioso (majalis)–pleuroziosum (schreberi), Pinetum (sylvestris) franguloso (alni)–vaccinioso (myrtilli)–pleuroziosum (schreberi), Pinetum (sylvestris) sorboso (aucuparii) –convallarioso (majalis)– pleuroziosum (schreberi).

The belonging to three different vitality types testifies to the different degree of favorableness of one or another location as to the formation and existence of cenopopulation of this specie. Based on the signs of vitality structure, the least favorable are the ecological-cenotic conditions of Pinetum (sylvestris) vaccinioso (myrtilli)–pleuroziosum (schreberi) group, and most favorable – Pinetum (sylvestris) pleuroziosum (schreberi) and Pinetum (sylvestris) franguloso (alni)–vaccinioso (myrtilli)–pleuroziosum (schreberi)

Author Biography

Maryna Sherstiuk, Getmanski National Natural Park Myru str., 6, Trostyanets, Ukraine, 42600

Head of Research Department


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How to Cite

Sherstiuk, M. (2017). The analysis of vitality structure of Chimaphila Umbellata (L.) W. Barton CENOpopulations in forest phytocenoses of the novgorod-sivers’k polissia. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (1 (4), 40–45.



Biological Sciences