Study of the structure of hepatitis c virus, which circulate among the population of the region of Ukraine with an average degree of urbanization
acute hepatitis C, chronic hepatitis C, genotypes of virus of hepatitis C, natural changeability of virusAbstract
The aim of the research is the study of hidden mechanisms of development of the epidemic process of hepatitis C, dynamics of changes of the structure of HCV genotypes that circulate among the population of the Ukrainian region with an average stage of urbanization.
The morbidity of AHC for 1993-2016 and the morbidity of the CHC for 2010-2016 of the population of the Rivne region of the Northwestern region of Ukraine were analyzed in the study, as well as the morbidity of these infections was presented compared with other regions of Ukraine (for 2015-2016). The HCV genotypes for the period of 2011-2016 were determined in 70 primary blood donors in whom the HCV genetic markers were firstly detected by RT-PCR method and a change in the genotype structure was showed compared to data obtained in 1996-1997. Sequencing of the core HCV area of 322 n.s. was performed non-type by RT-PCR method of three HCV isolates.
Methods of research: epidemiological, molecular-genetic (RT-PCR and sequencing), statistical.
Results. The dynamics of HC epidemic virus at the territory of Rivne region of the Northern-Western region of Ukraine is conditioned by the self-reconstruction of HCV population that takes place as a result of evolutionally fixed mechanisms of changeability (3,7±2,09% of persons with 1b HCV subtype at the area core HCV area with size 322 n.s. demonstrated the point natural changeability from 6 to 13 nucleotide sequences) and fluctuations in changeability indices of HCV population. For the last 20 years there was revealed the reliability of differences in the width of prevalence of separate HCV genotypes: decrease of the specific weight of 1b HCV subtype from 85±8,19% to 51,43± 5,97% (p<0,05) and increase of the specific weight of 3а HCV subtype from 10,0±6,88% to 31,43±5,55 % (p<0,05).
Conclusions. It gives ground to recommend to realize the permanent molecular-genetic monitoring of HСV by RT-PCR method and sequencing of the part of HCV genome for detecting hidden mechanisms of the development of the epidemic process of hepatitis C at the studied territory
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Copyright (c) 2017 Inna Khoronzhevska, Tetiana Sergeeva, Halyna Martyniuk, Viktor Moroz, Oleksandr Bialkovskyi, Roman Safonov

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