Hygienic assessment of palm oil content in dairy products as a measure of health protection





palm oil, vegetable fats, dairy products, milk-containing products, rational nutrition, prevention


Nutrition provides the most important function of the human body, providing it with the energy it needs for an active life and longevity. Experts of the World Health Organization have proven that eating palm oil leads to obesity and the development of chronic diseases on a global scale.

The aim of the study was to examine different types of dairy products of brands popular on the modern Ukrainian market for the content of palm oil.

Materials and methods. To carry out the research, we purchased the following dairy products: pasteurized milk, pasteurized milk-containing drink, sour cream, milk-containing sour cream product, hard cheese and cheese product, processed cheese and processed cheese product, as well as sweet cream butter and vegetable cream product of popular brands. The research was carried out using the methods described in the educational literature on the hygienic examination of milk and dairy products. The choice of methods was based on ease of implementation and reproducibility at home.

Results. As a result of the use of selected research methods, characteristic differences between natural products and those containing palm oil have been established. The conducted research will allow consumers to quickly determine the content of vegetable fats in dairy products under normal conditions and choose natural, healthy and safe products for their nutrition.

Conclusion. After analyzing the milk and milk-containing products of the most popular brands for the presence of palm oil in their composition, we found that no vegetable fats were found in dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, and sour cream). The presence of vegetable fat was detected in milk-containing products, which was indicated on the packaging as part of the products. So, as a result of the conducted research, we came to the conclusion that manufacturers comply with the requirements of current legislation and warn consumers about the presence of fats of vegetable origin in milk-containing products

Author Biographies

Olena Matviichuk, National University of Pharmacy

PhD, Assistant

Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics

Rymma Yeromenko, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics

Olena Dolzhykova, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics

Anatolii Matviichuk , National University of Pharmacy

PhD, Associate Professor

Department Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy

Larysa Karabut, National University of Pharmacy

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics


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How to Cite

Matviichuk, O., Yeromenko, R., Dolzhykova, O., Matviichuk , A., & Karabut, L. (2023). Hygienic assessment of palm oil content in dairy products as a measure of health protection. ScienceRise: Medical Science, (3(54), 30–34. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4798.2023.285686



Medical Science