Comparatyive determination of proteins, nitrogen-containing compounds and lipids content in blood plasma and ascitic fluid in patients with liver cirrhosis




liver cirrhosis, ascitic fluid, blood plasma, pathogenetically substantiated treatment


The aim of the work is the determination of proteins concentration in blood plasma and ascetic fluid and also toxic and atherogenic properties of ascitic fluid in patients with different stages of liver cirrhosis for the further choice of the individual treating tactics.

Research methods: 262 patients with liver cirrhosis, according to the diagnostic examination, who demonstrated the different severity of the pathological process in the liver parenchyma, were divided in 4 groups. In blood plasma and ascitic fluid of patients with liver cirrhosis were determined the concentration of protein, general content of bilirubin, concentration of final nitrogen, creatinine, urea, cholesterol and lecithin. 

Results: the obtained results demonstrate the disorder of the protein homeostasis and increase of the content of atherogenic lipoproteins, as a result of which hepatocyte membrane structures in patients with liver cirrhosis are destructed.  The content of studied components in ascitic fluid was identical (and sometimes even more) to the one in blood plasma – it allows to consider ascitic fluid as a plasma-replacing component in patients with liver cirrhosis, especially at the hepatic failure progression.

The degree of the disorder of the functional activity of the liver parenchyma was studied. The author of the article concludes that at choosing the surgical tactics in patients with liver cirrhosis, complicated with acsites, the degree of homeostasis disorders expressiveness must be taken into account

Author Biography

Alexander Dzygal, Odessa National Medical University Valikhovsky lane, 2, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Surgery Nо. 3 with the course of neurosurgery


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How to Cite

Dzygal, A. (2017). Comparatyive determination of proteins, nitrogen-containing compounds and lipids content in blood plasma and ascitic fluid in patients with liver cirrhosis. ScienceRise: Medical Science, (8 (16), 15–19.



Medical Science