Аnalysis of features of clinical manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease in children of different age periods





gastroesophageal reflux disease, children, peculiarities of clinical manifestations, acidity of gastric contents


Aim. To analyze features of the course of gastroesophageal reflux disease for determining the main clinical symptoms in children of different age groups.

Materials and methods. There were examined 126 children of different age with gastroesophageal reflux disease. All children underwent the clinical examination, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (videogastriscope «Fujinon» WG 88 FР) and intragastric endoscopic рН-metry (acidogastrograph AG TC U 33.1-13300318-002:2007,made by “Start” LTD).

Results. Children with the endoscopic positive variant of gastroesophageal disease more often demonstrated complaints for nausea (40%) (р<0,02), whereas children with endoscopic negative variant of gastroesophageal reflux disease reliably more often complained for vomiting (31%) (р<0,05). Complaints for nausea (p<0,05) and vomiting (p<0,04) were most typical for preschool children (before 6 years) with reflux-esophagitis. 80% of children with reflux-esophagitis of II stage demonstrated complaints for heartburn in and 40% - for pains behind the breast. At the same time only 13% of their coevals with reflux-esophagitis of I stage complained for heartburn and 3% of them for pains behind the breast. Children with endoscopic negative variant of gastroesophageal reflux disease had practically no complaints for heartburn and pains behind the breast. Children with hypo- and norm-acidity complained for nausea reliably more often (71%), compared with children with hyperacidity (34%) (р<0,01). Heartburn occurred reliably more often in the group of children with hyper-acidity (14% against 6%).

Conclusions. Complaints for nausea (p<0,05) and vomiting (p<0,04) are most typical for preschool children with reflux esophagitis. Children with reflux, esophagitis of ІІ st. complain for pains behind the breast (p<0,04) and nausea (p<0,005) reliably more often comparing with children with reflux-esophagitis of I st. Children with gastroesophageal reflux disease with the decreased or normal acidity of gastric contents complain for nausea reliably more often (71%), (р<0,01), and heartburn bothers children with hyperacidity more often

Author Biography

Marta Dats-Opoka, Danylo Halytskyy Lviv National Medical University Pekarska str., 69, Lviv, Ukraine, 79010


Department of propedeutics of pediatrics and medical genetics


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How to Cite

Dats-Opoka, M. (2017). Аnalysis of features of clinical manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease in children of different age periods. ScienceRise: Medical Science, (11 (19), 13–17. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4798.2017.116729



Medical Science