Analysis of the pathopersonological stratifications in patients with severe diabetes mellitus 2 type


  • Olga Tkachenko State Institution “ Zaporizhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education Ministry of Health of Ukraine ” Vіntera blvd., 20, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 69096, Ukraine



diabetes mellitus type 2, pathopesonology, psychopathic disorders, compliance


Aim. To study the pathopersonological features of patients with severe DM type 2 for improvement of diagnostics and treatment of patients with DM type 2.

Materials and methods. On the bases of MI “Zaporizhzhya city hospital № 1” and MI “Regional clinical endocrinology dispensary” of Zaporizhzhya region council were examined 174 patients with severe diabetes mellitus type 2, who underwent stationary treatment; average age in group was (61,8±0,85) years old.

Methods of research: anamnestic, clinical-psychopathological, psychodiagnostic.

Results of research. As a result of research, the pathopersonological features of patients with severe diabetes mellitus type 2 were established. There were separated five types of pathopersonological stratifications in patients with severe diabetes mellitus type 2: psycho-organic (deficit and affective-labile variants), astheno-neurotic, psychastheno-depressive, ergo-hypersthenic and hypochondriac types. The influence of each established type of pathopersonological stratifications in patients with severe diabetes mellitus type 2 on their compliance to the therapy was studied. The dominant types of of pathopersonological stratifications in patients with severe diabetes mellitus type 2 were established.  

Conclusions. The established types of pathopersonological stratifications in patients with severe diabetes mellitus type 2 can be a base of diabetic pathopersonology that improves the quality of differentiated diagnostics and approaches to the therapy and psychoprophylaxis of DM type 2, including in the context of correction of compliance to the therapy of DM type 2 at the expanse of dyscompliant personal features leveling

Author Biography

Olga Tkachenko, State Institution “ Zaporizhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education Ministry of Health of Ukraine ” Vіntera blvd., 20, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 69096

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of therapy, clinical pharmacology and endocrinology 


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How to Cite

Tkachenko, O. (2017). Analysis of the pathopersonological stratifications in patients with severe diabetes mellitus 2 type. ScienceRise: Medical Science, (3 (11), 44–47.



Medical Science