Research of fatty acid composition of tomato seeds
secondary products of tomato processing, fatty acid composition of tomato seeds, technologies of complex processing of tomatoesAbstract
The object of research is secondary products of tomato processing, namely, tomato seeds of technical and biological maturation. One of the most problematic places in the tomato processing industry is the formation of a large amount (up to 30 % of the total mass of tomatoes) of waste containing a large amount of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals and biologically active compounds. The solution of the problem of recycling of secondary tomato resources becomes possible provided that they are determined by their chemical composition and biological value and the selection of technological parameters for further processing.
During the studies, the chemical composition of tomato seeds was analyzed and it was found that tomato seeds are an excellent source of carotenoids, proteins, sugars, fibers, waxes and oils. At the same time, the seeds of the technical stage of maturity differ from the biologically mature seeds with high content of proteins – by 0.81 %, fiber – 0.4 % and sugars – by 0.21 %. The obtained results of the analysis of the fatty acid composition of tomato seeds of technical and biological maturity allowed to establish that among the fatty acids in the analyzed samples contained 47.72 % polyunsaturated tomato seeds of technical maturity and 50.96 % – biological maturity. There are no trans isomers, and the ratio between the unsaturated omega-3 and the omega-6 acids in the seed corresponds to the latest recommendations for nutrition of the population in accordance with the principles of enthusiasm.
The obtained results of the analysis of the chemical composition of the secondary tomato raw material have shown that the issue of improving the technologies of complex processing of tomatoes, which will provide high economic and social effects, remains an important issue. Thanks to the use of semolina food products from tomato seeds, it becomes possible to obtain foods that have high levels of essential amino acids, salts and water soluble proteins, carbohydrates and lipids that are represented by poly unsaturated fatty acids.
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