Development of the technology of mushroom sauce with functional ingredients


  • Irina Kublinskaya Vinnytsia College of Trade and Economics of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 80, Kyivska str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21022, Ukraine



mushroom powder, cultivated mushrooms, technology mushroom sauce, functional ingredients, dynamic viscosity.


The object of research is mushroom powders of champignons (Agaricus campestris), reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), shiitake (Lentinula edodes) and technology mushroom sauce with a thickener.

In Ukraine, the consumption of cultivated mushrooms, namely mushrooms, shiitake and reishi is growing more and more, as evidenced by the growing volumes of mushroom cultivation by Ukrainian farms. The scientific literature does not adequately cover the issue of effective technologies for obtaining mushroom powder-like semi-finished products and finished products from them for restaurants. The use of mushroom powders from shiitake, reishi and champignons mushrooms to prepare mushroom sauces leads to an increase in the number of essential amino acids, B vitamins, PP, extractives in the finished product. As a result, biological value improves, organoleptic quality parameters of mushroom sauces improve. This will increase the popularity of mushroom sauces among modern consumers of restaurants.

In the course of research the assortment of sauce products of high biological value and the specifics of physiological influence of shiitake, reishi and champignons mushrooms on the human body have been analyzed. A scientifically-determined technology of sauce of mushroom of increased biological value with functional ingredients – mushroom powders of champignons mushrooms, reishi, and shiitake has been developed.

The optimization of the recipe of the newly created product has been optimized and the optimum prescription composition of the mushroom sauce with mushroom powders with a ratio of mushroom powders in the recipe composition of 1:1:2 (shiitake:reishi:champignon mushrooms) has been proposed. The structural and mechanical properties of an innovative sauce were compared and compared with the control sample of mushroom sauce prepared according to the traditional technology. So, at a shear rate of 200 s-1, the viscosity of the developed sauce is 0.38 Pa·s, whereas the viscosity of the mushroom sauce prepared according to the traditional technology is 0.3 Pa·s.

It is established that mushroom sauce with mushroom powders has high biological value, optimal rheological and organoleptic quality indices.

The developed sauce with mushroom powders will enable to expand the assortment of sauce products of high biological value on vegetable raw materials for restaurants. The introduction of innovative technology will significantly save the time of production of own production sauces and financial costs, since the developed technology involves the production of mushroom powders from non-conformal mushroom raw materials.

Author Biography

Irina Kublinskaya, Vinnytsia College of Trade and Economics of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 80, Kyivska str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21022



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How to Cite

Kublinskaya, I. (2018). Development of the technology of mushroom sauce with functional ingredients. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(3(42), 28–34.



Food Production Technology: Original Research