Development of an algorithm for evaluation of a comprehensive risk management indicator in food safety management systems




risk assessment algorithm, НАССР, VАССР, ТАССР, safety criteria, safety factors, comprehensive indicator


The object of research is risk management in food safety management systems. The subject of the study is individual indicators, criteria and a comprehensive indicator of risk management for food safety. One of the most problematic areas is the lack of a common methodology for food safety risk assessment for the development, implementation and operation of food safety management systems. This leads to the fact that it is impossible to properly assess the risk groups depending on the object of management:

– unintentional threats (HACCP concept – hazard analysis and critical control points);

– intentional threats (concepts VACCP – vulnerability analysis and critical control points, TACCP – threat analysis and critical control points). And evaluate the overall effectiveness of the food safety management system.

The study used methods of systems analysis and mathematical modeling as the main research method in all fields of knowledge. As well as a scientifically sound method of assessing the characteristics of complex systems used for decision-making in various fields of economic, managerial and social activities.

The proposed in the work algorithm allows to quantify the level of risk management in the food safety management system by such groups as unintentional and intentional threats, taking into account the general indicators of the criteria and their factors. The overall criterion for unintentional threats, which are identified using HACCP principles, is determined by three criteria: microbiological threats, chemical threats and control measures, which in turn include a number of factors. The general indicator of the criterion for intentional threats, which are identified using the principles of VAССР and TAССР, is also determined by three criteria: opportunities, motivation and control measures, which in turn have a separate number of factors.

The obtained algorithm allows to determine the levels of risk management and serve as an effective tool for obtaining objective information about the effectiveness of the implementation of the food safety management system. In contrast to existing methods of food safety risk assessment, which are based only on the management of unintentional threats, the proposed algorithm allows to take into account the impact of intentional threats – fraud and bioterrorism. And consider food safety risks comprehensively and develop options for improving management measures.

Author Biography

Yuliia Slyva, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Meat, Fish and Seafood Technologies


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How to Cite

Slyva, Y. (2021). Development of an algorithm for evaluation of a comprehensive risk management indicator in food safety management systems. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(3(58), 31–36.



Food Production Technology: Original Research