Estimation of level of maintenance of quality of services of car-care center


  • Віктор Степанович Кузьмін Donetsk National technical university «Auto-road institute», Ukraine



Quality of service, quality indicators, process technological


The model and system of maintenance of quality of services of the enterprise of car-care centre is developed. Requirements and conditions of formation of system of an estimation of level of maintenance are considered and defined, the general technique and an estimation order is presented. Recommendations about definition of factor of quality of maintenance of production and service are resulted

Author Biography

Віктор Степанович Кузьмін, Donetsk National technical university «Auto-road institute»


Department of  Motor transport


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How to Cite

Кузьмін, В. С. (2012). Estimation of level of maintenance of quality of services of car-care center. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(1(7), 37–38.