Synthesis of volatile organic impurities of alcohol while processing raw grain material




mash, raw material, temperature, fermentation, thin stillage, synthesis of organic impurities, recirculation


Increasing exports to EU countries is a top priority for the distilling industry of Ukraine nowadays. In such circumstances when supply exceeds demand major concern is the quality of alcohol. In future the distilling industry should provide a possibility for customer-oriented modeling of alcohol quality. Enterprises able to modernize their production lines according to the European standards will not only survive, but grow and conquer foreign markets. A study of alcohol fermentation was conducted on synthesis of volatile organic impurities at different fermentation temperatures considering types of starch-containing raw material, concentration of wort dry substances, amount of process water substituted by thin stillage and its reuse ratio during mash preparation. Using of thin stillage was found to have a positive effect on synthesis of volatile organic impurities of alcohol reducing their content in matured wort. Thin stillage reuse ratio during mash preparation was defined. 

Author Biographies

Петро Леонідович Шиян, National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine, 01601, Kyiv, Volodymyrska str. 68

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of biotechnology fermentation and wine

Тетяна Омелянівна Мудрак, National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine, 01601, Kyiv, Volodymyrska str. 68

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of biotechnology fermentation and wine

Ярослав Андрійович Боярчук, National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine, 01601, Kyiv, Volodymyrska str. 68


Department of biotechnology fermentation and wine


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How to Cite

Шиян, П. Л., Мудрак, Т. О., & Боярчук, Я. А. (2015). Synthesis of volatile organic impurities of alcohol while processing raw grain material. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(4(25), 4–8.



Technologies of food, light and chemical industry