Improving the method of determining wax-like substances in vegetable oils using high-temperature gas-liquid chromatography
oil, wax-like substances, high temperature gas-liquid chromatography, standards for comparisonAbstract
The article defines the scientific approaches regarding the improvement of the standardized method of determining wax-like substances using high temperature gas-liquid chromatography. Experimental studies matched the type of capillary column, type of stationary phase, the composition eluent and the feed rate, temperature parameters of the chromatographic separation. The results of the monitoring of sunflower oil with different content of wax-like substances have confirmed the ability of the method. The possibility of qualitative identification of waxes by using chromatographic profiles is shown. Process conditions of the chromatographic analysis were established. There are gradient programming thermostat and temperature, the optimal injector temperature, composition and feed rate eluent (1 drop/s); selected internal standard – hexatriene (paraffin C36). The result of the monitoring of sunflower oil with different content of the waxes is shown that the improved method of determining wax-like substances is reliable and can be recommended for technical control of raw materials and finished products in the production of refined oils. It is experimentally confirmed that in the presence of external standard (sunflower wax) wax-like substances in vegetable oils is possible qualitative identify by comparison of the chromatographic profiles of the standard and sample.
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