Dependence of air passenger transportation from socio-economic indicators of Ukraine
air transport, socio-economic indicators, statistics, correlation and regression analysisAbstract
The paper studies the relationships between the impact a number of socio-economic factors: the total GDP of Ukraine, GDP per capita and inflation rate, on air passenger transportation.
Knowledge of the relationship between the studied factors makes it possible to forecast the air passenger traffic depending on the socio-economic factors with a reasonable accuracy.
It was found that the greatest impact has the GDP per capita factor. Strengths and weaknesses of correlation relationships of pairs of factors were identified. The pairs of factors that are the most and least suitable for forecasting air passenger traffic were determined.
For each pair of factors the correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination were calculated, an equation to quantify the magnitude of air travelers was obtained.
Forecasting of air passenger traffic based on the socio-economic factors enables airlines of Ukraine to search for and select of the optimal airline development strategy.References
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Copyright (c) 2016 Андрій Євгенійович Бабенко, Олена Євгенівна Соколова, Алла Миколаївна Валько

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