Influence of amount of graphite and modifying agent on the properties of periclase-carbon refractories


  • Оксана Миколаївна Борисенко Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, pr. Nauki 9a, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine



periclase-carbon refractories, antioxidant, phenol-formaldehyde resin, modifier agent


One of the main components of periclase-carbon materials is graphite, which provides high thermal conductivity and slag resistance of refractories. However, at temperatures of 600 °C it begins to oxidize. To prevent oxidation it is proposed to modify the sol-gel graphite by composition based on nickel salts for further formation of NiO coating on its surface, which will provide additional protection. An influence of graphite amount and its modifier agent on physical and mechanical properties and slag resistance of periclase-carbon samples are investigated. It is established that graphite amount significantly affects only the strength of periclase-carbon refractories – strength of graphite decreases at increase of graphite amount from 5 to 20 %. The impact of graphite modifier agent amount on physical and mechanical properties of the samples appears on the contrary, that is by increasing the amount – properties increase. Amount of graphite and modifier agent doesn’t effect on slag resistance. We recommend the following optimal ratio of graphite in an amount of from 5 to 10 % and its modifier agent in an amount of 1,75 % for high performance periclase-carbon refractories.

Author Biography

Оксана Миколаївна Борисенко, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, pr. Nauki 9a, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166

Candidate of Technical Science, Senior Lecturer

Department of technology, ecology and safety of vital activity


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How to Cite

Борисенко, О. М. (2016). Influence of amount of graphite and modifying agent on the properties of periclase-carbon refractories. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(3(29), 38–41.



Technologies of food, light and chemical industry