Investigation of the effect of the relative surface power on the meat frying process
relative surface power, average integral temperature difference, bilateral frying, surface layersAbstract
Analysis of theoretical studies showed value correlation of surface power for heating surfaces in devices for conductive frying process duration, output of finished products made of meat and relative electricity consumption. Its impact on the above parameters for bilateral meat frying has not been investigated. Average integral temperature difference between frying and product surfaces; fried items temperature from the value of relative surface power of frying surfaces as one of the factors for the formation of heterocyclic amines must be investigated.
Object of research is conductive frying process, characterized by high energy costs because of process duration, low product yield and overrated relative surface power of devices, as well as heterocyclic amines formation probability in a finished product.
Aim of research is to determine the effect of relative surface power on the efficiency indicators for bilateral meat frying under pressure and average integral temperature difference between frying and product surfaces.
It was proved that the value increasing for relative surface power of frying surface of the device from 50 to 350 kW/m2 causes the increasing of average integral temperature difference between frying surface and meat surface from 7 to 14 К and final temperature increasing in meat surface from 385 to 409 К.
Value increasing for relative surface power of the device from 50 to 350 kW/m2 causes the increasing of bilateral meat frying process from 68 to 78 sec, product yield decreasing from 90,4 to 88,8 % and relative electricity costs increasing from 0,171 to 0,343 kW×hr/kg.
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