Integrated quality research of domestic special vodka




vodka, manufacturer, packaging, labeling, quality, safety, ester, alcohol


This article is devoted to complex research of quality and safety performance for special vodka TM «Pervak home Rye». In the course of the analytical study analyzed the regulations governing the quality of special vodka in Ukraine.

Evaluation of packaging and labeling of special vodka TM «Pervak home Rye» found that bottle, which poured special vodka protects the product from the negative impact of environmental factors on the quantitative and qualitative losses, and information labeling that printed on packaging contain full information about the product and meet the requirements of ISO 4256:2003.

Making special organoleptic evaluation of vodka TM «Pervak home Rye» conducted by tasting the sample, as a result of which found that the sample meets ISO 4256:2003 organoleptic characteristics.

The results of evaluation of physical and chemical indicators of quality for special vodka TM «Pervak home Rye», made with alcohol «Lux», showed that strength, alkalinity, aldehydes mass concentration, fusel oil mass concentration, esters mass concentration, volume fraction of methanol match the requirements of ISO 4256:2003.

Particular attention is paid to research safety parameters such as heavy metals (cadmium, lead, copper and zinc) using voltammetry. Analysis of sample voltammograms of special vodka TM «Pervak home Rye» showed that the content of heavy metals for special vodka TM «Pervak home Rye» meets the requirements of ISO 4256:2003.

As a result of a comprehensive study of special vodka TM «Pervak home Rye» production of «UDC» we can say that it is a high quality and safe for consumption.

Author Biographies

Олена Володимирівна Калашник, Universities Ukoopspilka «Poltava University of Economics and Trade», 3, Koval Str., Poltava-36014

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of examination and customs

Надія Леонідівна Ремізова, SE «Poltavastandartmetrologiya», str. Vuzka, 6, Poltava, Ukraine, 36022

Head of Research Test Center food 

Світлана Миколаївна Бородавка, SE «Poltavastandartmetrologiya», str. Vuzka, 6, Poltava, Ukraine, 36022

Chemist Category 1 Research Testing Center Food 

Зоя Павлівна Рачинська, Universities Ukoopspilka «Poltava University of Economics and Trade», 3, Koval Str., Poltava-36014


Department examination and customs affairs


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How to Cite

Калашник, О. В., Ремізова, Н. Л., Бородавка, С. М., & Рачинська, З. П. (2016). Integrated quality research of domestic special vodka. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(4(30), 37–42.



Technologies of food, light and chemical industry