Development of complex acidifier for emulsion foodstuffs for wellness purposes
food additives, biological value, low-calorie sauce, malic acid, complex acidifierAbstract
An improvement of the technology of emulsion foods as the most consumed by all groups of the Ukrainian population, by complex acidifier addition in the formulation was proposed. The object of this research is the process of developing a low-calorie sauce formulation on the basis of secondary products of juice production and winemaking. The main disadvantages of emulsion products in the Ukrainian market can be called a low biological value, the use of acetic acid as the main acidifier, and not a wide range of such products. The complex acidifiers include malic, citric and acetic acid. Such technological solution will expand the range of mayonnaise products due to changes in organoleptic parameters of quality, such as a taste. The choice as components of complex acidifier – malic and citric acids – like the ingredients of high biological activity and the ability to change the taste qualities of mayonnaise sauce based on vegetable raw materials. The taste quality of the samples of model water-fat emulsion with the addition of selected organic acids of various concentrations was studied. Tasting tests were carried out by the expert group in the research laboratory of vegetable oils and fats processing technologies in Ukrainian Research Institute of vegetable oils and fats of the National academy of agricultural sciences of Ukraine (Kharkоv). An addition of the acetic acid in the complex acidifier in the smallest possible quantities was justified. Concentration ranges of the components of the complex acidifier having an optimal performance in terms of taste was selected as well as studies on the pH of water-fat emulsion samples values in the selected range of concentrations of organic acids were conducted. Determination of pH for samples of model water-fat emulsion was conducted in accordance with DSTU 4560:2006. It was proved that the pH of the water-fat emulsion samples meet requirements of regulatory documents for mayonnaise products. Technological solution about addition of proposed complex acidifier in mayonnaise sauces for assigning them the status of wellness foodstuffs was substantiated.
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