Research on influence of inulin made from chicory on the quality of wheat bread
wheat bread, inulin made from chicory, activity of the dough microflora, bread freshnessAbstract
The object of research in the work is wheat bread. One of the major disadvantages of the chemical composition is that with high content of carbohydrates in it low content of food fibers. The solution of the problem of enriching wheat bread with soluble dietary fiber is possible using inulin. The best source of inulin is chicory root crop. The limiting factor for the use of soluble chicory processing products is the provision of coloring products and the bitterness inherent to it. Therefore it is expedient to use in the technology of bakery products to provide them with health and preventive properties directly inulin, isolated from chicory.
During research, inulin made from in chicory "Cosucra" (Belgium) was used. This raw material has the appearance of a white powder, barely sweet to taste.
It was established that the inclusion of inulin made with chicory into the wheat dough formulation activates the fermentation activity of the dough flora, promotes a reduction in the durability of the production of dough preparations. The introduction of inulin improves the organoleptic and physico-chemical properties of finished products and prolongs the preservation of freshness.
The obtained results are related to the improvement of nutrition of the yeast microflora of the dough due to the content of sugars in the inulin powder with chicory. The more intense color of the crust of products is due to the fact that fructose more actively reacts to melanoid formation. The deceleration of the drawing of products with inulin is obviously due to the improvement of the elastic properties of the product's mildew and the slowing down of starch retrogradation due to higher hydrophilic properties of inulin.
Due to the intake of inulin with chicory in the amount of 2 and 4 % to the mass of flour in the daily rate of consumption of bread, the content of inulin is provided at a rate of 27–54 % of its daily intake. This allows the wheat bread functional properties, due to the enrichment of soluble food fibers. The introduction of bread with inulin made with chicory will contribute to the expansion of the range of products with healing properties.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Olena Bilyk, Yulia Bondarenko, Volodymyr Bondar, Kateryna Lukyanenko

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