Studying the influence of yeast strains on the aroma of wines made from grape of Zagrey variety
grape of Zagrey variety, strain of yeast, aromatic potential of grape variety, white dry wine materialsAbstract
This work considers data on the impact of strains of yeast on the aromatic and redox properties of white dry wine materials, made from grapes of the new generation of Zagrey variety, bred at the National Scientific Center «Institute of Viticulture and Wine Making named after V. E. Tairov» (NSC «IV&WM named after V. E. Tairov», settlement of Tairove, Odessa Oblast, Ukraine) under conditions of micro wine making.The Zagrey grape variety was bred by crossing the varieties Aligote and Ovidiopol in order to extend the assortment of Ukrainian grapes; however, the lack of research into its use for winemaking hinders its widespread utilization in manufacturing. Materials contained white dry wine materials, made from grapes of Zagrey variety using the strains of yeast Vitilevur 58W3, Sauvignon, Еlixir, EC1118, Cross Evolution (France). These strains of yeast are characterized by a varying capability to the synthesis of aroma-forming substances that affect the formation of a wine bouquet and reveal the aromatic potential of the grape variety. We studied organoleptic characteristics in wine materials based on an 8-point scale, using the descriptor system, mass concentrations of substances in an aroma-forming complex, phenolic compounds, the level of redox potential, and other indicators of the oxidation-reducing state of wine materials. It is established that using the yeast strain Vitilevur 58W3 makes it possible to detect the varietal features of the Zagrey variety grape, rendering it a floral-fruit note. The strains of yeast races Еlixir and Sauvignon diversify aroma of the variety, rendering it the subtle citrus notes of lemon and grapefruit, linden shades and other exotic fruits. Data on the organoleptic characteristics of wine materials that we obtained are in a good agreement with the results of studying the substances that compose the aromatic complex of wine materials. Thus, the wine materials that employed the strain of yeast Vitilevur 58W3 were dominated by terpene alcohols, and those with Elixir and Sauvignon – by esters.
It is proven that the use of different of strains of yeast nature does not affect essentially the oxidation-reducing potential and the content of phenolic compounds.
Results of our research allow us to recommend the yeast strains 58W3, Еlixir and Sauvignon for the production of high-quality local white wines from the Zagrey grape variety, selected at the NSC «IV&WMnamed after V. E. Tairov».
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Copyright (c) 2018 Marina Bilko, Alyona Permyakova, Aleksandr Pashkovskiy, Iryna Kalmykova, Iryna Haidai

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