Development of methods of improvement of business process management




business process management, assessment criteria, business process performance, business process benchmarking


The object of research is the methods of improving the management of business processes of enterprises. The integration and transformation processes occurring in the Ukrainian economy, high competition, pressure of crisis factors, high unpredictability of changes in the external environment require from Ukrainian enterprises the constant search for new more effective management methods. New management methods should be aimed at strengthening the competitive advantages of the enterprise in the market and stable activity of the enterprise in a strategic perspective.

So, one of the most problematic places is the task of reorienting enterprises to a high-tech model of improving and developing business processes. Improving the methods of managing business processes of an enterprise within the framework of the implementation of a development strategy allows finding ways to optimize its activities (economic efficiency), taking into account the specifics of management for the future.

The analysis makes it possible to develop and systematize the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the management of business processes of an enterprise based on the proposed algorithm in accordance with the goals of business processes and customer requirements. The work has developed a methodology for assessing and improving the effectiveness of managing business processes of an enterprise, allows for an assessment of business processes of an enterprise in accordance with the achieved level (performance of business processes) and improving the efficiency of business processes of an enterprise relative to industry and world level (benchmarking business processes).

In the course of research, the benchmarking technology is improved, which allows increasing the efficiency of the enterprise’s business processes by including the stage of assessing the effectiveness of the measures developed in the benchmarking process. Due to this, a toolkit is proposed for determining the level of performance of business process management and their ranking based on the use of the Harrington verbal-numerical scale. The Harrington scale allows to determine the levels of performance of business processes, taking into account the obtained results, which fall into numerical intervals. The paper suggests using the method of analyzing hierarchies in order to obtain the most reliable value of the indicator of the effectiveness of the enterprise business process management system.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Olshanskiy, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade, 333, Klochkivska str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of International Business Management and Tourism


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How to Cite

Olshanskiy, O. (2018). Development of methods of improvement of business process management. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(4(43), 20–25.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research