Research of marketing activity of agrarian enterprises in the context of development of innovation processes




innovation process management, innovation marketing, agricultural enterprises, No-till technology, factors of influence on innovative activity


The object of research is the process of innovation management in the marketing activities of agricultural enterprises, including the Phoenix farm (Badalovo village, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine). One of the most problematic places is the low level of legal capacity of the departments of the agricultural enterprise for marketing activities.

In the course of the study, abstract-logical, monographic, computational-constructive, economic-statistical and economic-mathematical methods were used, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis. The research results on the functioning of marketing in agricultural enterprises have shown that the intensification of the development of marketing activities and the transition to more advanced concepts directly depends on the effectiveness of marketing strategies. It is also shown that the solution to the problem of increasing the economic activity of agricultural enterprises in the market is supposed to be through organizational and economic changes aimed at reducing production and ensuring the economic results of marketing activities. It has been established that in conditions when there is a high level of competition in the agricultural market, it is marketing activity that is the determining factor that ensures the presence of competitive advantages. It is determined that the main activities for an innovative agricultural enterprise are:

– conducting market research;

– use of marketing areas to promote innovation;

– building a system of relationships with other participants in the innovation process.

Given the ever-growing interest in innovation, as a key success factor in strengthening the company's position in the market, the authors argue that the innovative and marketing activities of agricultural enterprises are the basic directions for their successful development. They also suggest developing methodological approaches to the formation of management methods based on marketing principles and ways of introducing and improving the marketing management system in agricultural enterprises.

Thanks to the research carried out in the farm, the proposals on the introduction, development and optimization of the No-till system of zero tillage in the "Phoenix" farm are substantiated.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Spasskiy, National Scientific Centre «Institute of Agrarian Economics», Heroiv Oborony str., 10, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03127

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher

Department of Entrepreneurship, Cooperation and Agro-Industrial Integration

Andrey Tarasiuk, National Scientific Centre «Institute of Agrarian Economics», Heroiv Oborony str., 10, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03127

Postgraduate Student

Department of Entrepreneurship, Cooperation and Agro-Industrial Integration


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How to Cite

Spasskiy, G., & Tarasiuk, A. (2019). Research of marketing activity of agrarian enterprises in the context of development of innovation processes. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(4(48), 12–18.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research