Research on the possibilities of solution of the monitoring projects of the railway power supply system
power supply system, railway transport, data synchronization, computer tools, man-machine interface settingsAbstract
The object of research is the monitoring parameters of the railway power supply system. PMUs power supply system recording devices are the basis of the WAMS transient monitoring system. An important aspect of WAMS elements is data synchronization, which is technologically ensured using satellite-based orientation systems.
The study used a system analysis, a systematic approach to the problem, as well as methods of synchronization and systematization of data.
Methods for solving problems of monitoring processes of the railway transport power supply system are investigated. Diagnostic functions, currently implemented using PMUs, WAMS, are actually concentrated and limited in the areas of power supply, and include monitoring of low-frequency fluctuations of system parameters. As well as identification of the emergency mode and determining the location of damage in the facilities of the power supply system. In addition, to use these functions, at the same time, even with the modern development of systems, it is necessary to ensure diagnostic functions on the scale of power systems, with minimizing the participation and influence of a person in the formation of the results of the assessment of modes. This is due to the fact that there is a need to expand diagnostic functions according to the parameters of the objects of the power supply system, the monitoring systems used, which will solve the problems of operational dispatch control of these objects.
This ensures the resolution of operational dispatch tasks, assessing and predicting the state in the processing of information, its synchronization and systematization. As well as monitoring and synchronizing measurements over time, which significantly increases the level of operational dispatch control of the operating modes of objects of the power supply system. Compared with similar technologies, the new ones based on the use of PMU devices for data collection have an advantage over traditional SCADA technologies, which measured system objects without time synchronization.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Halyna Holub, Ivan Kulbovskyi, Inna Skliarenko, Iryna Hannoshyna, Yurii Klochkov, Valentina Kharuta

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