Research of information-analytical aspects for optimization of the health care institutions
quality medical services, information and analytical support, medical personnel, customer-oriented optimization.Abstract
The health sector is a priority in the national dimension. The availability and quality of medical services depends on the effectiveness of the functioning of the network of health care institutions. Optimization of the activities of health facilities in order to meet the needs of the population in medical services is an urgent task. The development and implementation of information technology in the processes of managerial decision-making in this case will increase their effectiveness.
The object of research is the processes of informational and analytical support for making managerial decisions on customer-oriented optimization of the activities of health care institutions in the face of uncertainty. Such support is necessary to ensure effective analysis of the available data, taking into account situational and informational uncertainty, and forming on the basis of this set of effective solutions. The peculiarity of this problem is that when solving it, it is necessary to analyze and draw conclusions based on data of various natures: both actual data on the activities of health care institutions in different periods of time, the results of personal data of representatives of various social groups, and the conclusions of experts.
General scientific methods, methods of mathematical modeling, as well as a systematic approach are used. To effectively solve the problem, it is proposed to consider the health care institution as an integrated system, which is characterized by internal connections and the influence of the external environment.
As a research result, an algorithm for analyzing the activities of health care institutions is developed, the implementation of which will allow calculating the needs for medical personnel in subsequent periods of time.
Data in accordance with their origin is systematized. It is noted that the results of expert surveys are an important source of data. A structural and functional scheme of information and analytical support for a decision maker in the process of optimizing the personnel of a health care institution is developed. The development and implementation of information and analytical support for the analysis of the personnel activities of a health care institution will increase the effectiveness of relevant management decisions
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