Organizational knowledge management framework within the system context


  • Марина Николаевна Куценко Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture 31, Povitroflotsky avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680, Ukraine



knowledge, system, knowledge management, strategic management, system thinking


This article deals with application of the system approach in organizational knowledge management, and some results of the research in this field. The objective of the research is the development of holistic knowledge management framework. With this purpose the main organizational stems with time division have been developed. The organizational key elements which are involved in knowledge management processes have been defined. This article reviews the main organizational elements and their relationship within the system context, which are necessary for effective organizational management. The developed framework can assist management to understand the true nature of the relationships which exist between the organization and knowledge management processes, and to exploit them for the success of the organization. The results of the research can be used by managers for effective knowledge management in different fields, including   decision-making process, innovative development and working strategy build-up.

Author Biography

Марина Николаевна Куценко, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture 31, Povitroflotsky avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


Department of Project Management


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How to Cite

Куценко, М. Н. (2013). Organizational knowledge management framework within the system context. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(14), 18–20.



Information technology and control systems