Analysis of consumer behavior formation models under the influence of marketing communication environment of the enterprise




marketing communications, consumer behavior, consumer decisions, enterprise communications environment, industrial consumers, individual consumers


The object of research is the influence of the marketing communication environment of the enterprise on the model of formation of consumer behavior. The study of this influence in today's conditions is becoming increasingly promising and is due, first of all, to the increasing role of marketing communications in the promotion of goods and services of an enterprise. The application of scientific approaches to the formation of consumer behavior will more accurately determine the target audience. This will increase the effectiveness of the advertising campaign of the enterprise. When writing the work, such methods and approaches as logical generalization, analysis and synthesis are used to substantiate conceptual approaches to shaping consumer behavior. As well as a grouping method – for compiling methodological approaches to the study of consumer behavior.

The paper analyzes the differences between the adoption of consumer decisions about the purchase of goods and the communication component of marketing in the relationship of business models B2B and B2C. In particular, it is indicated that industrial consumers in the B2B business model are influenced by corporate marketing, which reflects not the personal interests, but the interests of business entities. At the same time, the business model in the B2B segment is aimed at maintaining stable and mutually beneficial relations between economic entities as strategic partners using a specific set of methods and tools. The author systematizes the main methodological approaches to the study of consumer behavior and its models, in general terms it can be divided into two enlarged groups: psychographic (value style) and commodity or subject.

It is argued that the successful use of the considered models is an effective tool of marketing communications, the use of which will increase the effectiveness of the advertising campaign, will turn potential consumers into real ones. This, in the future, will lead to an increase in the volume of sales of products (services) and an increase in the competitiveness of the enterprise.

Author Biography

Lidiya Vasylchenko, Cherkasy State Technological University, 460, Shevchenko blvd., Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18006

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Economic Cybernetics and Marketing


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How to Cite

Vasylchenko, L. (2019). Analysis of consumer behavior formation models under the influence of marketing communication environment of the enterprise. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(4(51), 41–44.