Development of priority measures (solutions) for the environmentally safe management of municipal waste at the community level




analytic hierarchy process, environmental safety, expert evaluation, household waste management, waste management.


Environmentally safe waste management remains one of the priority areas of civil society. Despite the introduction of a number of regulations, such as Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19.11.2008, the issue of effective management in the field of waste management not resolved. Therefore, the process of solid waste management at the level of territorial communities is considered as the object of research. Among the main shortcomings of this process is the lack of effective mechanisms and algorithms for systems to support informed decisions on waste management in their specific area.

The article proposes and discloses a scientific and methodological approach to integrated expert and analytical evaluation of the processes of household waste management and substantiates the feasibility of environmental safety management measures. In the course of the research the decomposition of the household waste management process was carried out. This allows to identify the sources and characteristics of hazard detection, among which the largest contribution is made by waste incineration plants without energy (47.41 %) and the conditions of waste accumulation with increasing hazard (54.95 %). Using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) allows to take into account individual and collective judgments of experts, which not only improves the quality of research but also allows to determine the priority of environmental safety management measures. According to the calculations, the most important (44.01 % of the total contribution) is the measure to introduce the best available technologies for solid waste management. Obtaining such results is possible due to the fact that the method of analysis of hierarchies allows to determine the step-by-step transitivity and consistency of expert assessments.

Compared to similar methods the proposed method, as simple and straightforward, is quite easy to use. This increases the effectiveness of transparent decision-making at the grassroots level through the involvement of highly qualified environmental and public administration professionals.

Author Biographies

Ihor Honcharenko, Ukrainian Research Institute of Environmental Problems, 6, Bakulina str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

Laboratory for Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Expertise

Leonid Pisnіa, Ukrainian Research Institute of Environmental Problems, 6, Bakulina str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166


Laboratory for Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Expertise

Lyudmula Anishchenko, Ukrainian Research Institute of Environmental Problems, 6, Bakulina str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Laboratory for Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Expertise


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How to Cite

Honcharenko, I., Pisnіa L., & Anishchenko, L. (2020). Development of priority measures (solutions) for the environmentally safe management of municipal waste at the community level. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(3(52), 17–25.



Ecology and Environmental Technology: Original Research