Implementing quality management system at enterprises
quality, products, standard, competitiveness, certification, quality controlAbstract
The category of product competitiveness, which is determined by a set of quality and cost peculiarities of goods, meeting the buyer’s needs, as well as the costs of purchase and consumption of corresponding products, is substantiated. Implementing the quality management system at enterprises, based on international standards ISO 9000, which will allow finding the ways for improving financial results of its activity, is considered in the paper. For controlling product quality at all stages of production, it is necessary to establish a distinct comprehensive quality system. Implementing the quality management systems, which conform to international standards ISO 9000, will allow raising image and reputation of a company, improving customer’s satisfaction and efficiency of the existing quality management system, providing a flexible management of a company, simplifying and speeding up procedures of interaction with customers, reducing defects and production expenses. In addition, it will increase revenues, improve organization of enterprise management, and also give the opportunity for encouraging investments.References
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