Functioning analysis of meat processing industry in modern conditions on the example of Ukraine
meat industry, meat processing enterprises, meat production, agricultural enterprises, householdsAbstract
The object of research is meat processing enterprises on the example of Ukraine. One of the most problematic areas is the reduction in total beef and pork production. This negatively affects the development of the industry, which loses the opportunity to develop, create new jobs, enter the international market.
In the course of the study, general scientific and special methods were used. For example, the monographic method, methods of statistical grouping and correlation-regression analysis, as well as the graphical method were used to comprehensively study the current state of meat production. The grouping method was used to determine the influence of various factors on the level of efficiency in the production of different types of meat, and the comparison method was used to carry out a comparative analysis of the production of meat products in different time periods.
It is shown that in the general structure of agricultural production livestock products during 2015–2019 ranged from 24.1 to 20.9 % of the total. The largest percentage in this structure was occupied by breeding farm animals. The smallest share in this production is occupied by beef and veal. And its production continues to fall. Negative dynamics was also observed in pork production. The production of sausages is relatively stable. The largest volumes of production were provided by chicken. The Ukrainian market of meat and meat products is closely connected with the development of raw materials for the industry. The total number of farm animals by farm category is declining, excluding poultry.
The wholesale turnover of meat and meat wholesalers has been growing every year. Raw material production and processing are closely interrelated. Today, it is extremely important to reconcile the interests of producers and processors so that the market is predictable, has a defined development strategy, focused on increasing domestic consumption and to realize the export potential of the meat industry.
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