Definition of the main ways of recovery of the hospitality industry




tourist industry, hospitality enterprises, hotel sphere, combo hotel, COVID-19 pandemic, compliance control


The object of research in this work was the tourism industry. The main emphasis was placed on hotel enterprises, which suffered heavy losses during the knockdown period, as well as in the post-clown period. The conditions of the pandemic lockdown have prompted economic agents to restructure in accordance with the new communication and operational rules. The sphere of hotel services, the main purpose of which is the organization of recreation, has suffered the most from quarantine, because it was completely banned. Therefore, small hotels could not recover, they closed. Subsequently, the government was allowed not to close the domestic hotel industry, but to continue to operate subject to specially developed temporary recommendations for the operation of hotels. These recommendations relate to hotel reservations, accommodation and meals for tourists in rooms, hotel disinfection conditions and room disruption before and after guest accommodation, hotel staff working conditions, and the like.

The creation of hybrid hotels or combo hotels and concept hostels as integration forms of enterprises in the hospitality industry has been proposed as one of the possible ways out of the hospitality enterprises.  The study used an empirical method of research. By comparing different periods it was possible to draw conclusions about the financial losses of the hotel industry. Due to the analysis of the issue, changes in the organization of hotels, working conditions of the hotel industry, which occurred due to the introduction of quarantine, were investigated and revealed. The article examines the problems and difficulties of the hotel industry in a pandemic. Mitigation of quarantine has helped to revitalize activities, but it is legitimate within the protocols and regulations of local and state authorities to prevent the spread of viral infections. Therefore, the management of economic entities introduces compliance control for compliance and compliance with the rules, another name for compliance control «compliance risk management». This function is assigned to special employees or even entire divisions of the company. Large enterprises introduce a department or service responsible for compliance.

The research results obtained can be useful in studying issues related to man-made disasters, environmental disasters and their impact on the tourism industry.

Author Biography

Oleksii Sobin, National University of Food Technologies

Senior Lecturer

Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business


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How to Cite

Sobin, O. (2021). Definition of the main ways of recovery of the hospitality industry. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(4(59), 18–21.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Reports on Research Projects