Justification of the optimal option and transportation parameters for export supplies using marine transport
vessel deadweight, sea transportation, transport support, export production, sales logisticsAbstract
The object of this research is transport provision of supplies using sea transport. The problem of increasing the efficiency of transportation of bulk cargo by bulk carriers or universal destination by optimizing the option and parameters of transport equipment is considered.
For categories of goods that are exported using sea transport, it is possible to use not only different options for transport equipment – own or leased (for vessels – time charter), but also different options from the point of view of the parameters of the vehicles. In this paper, the parameters are understood as the characteristics of sea vessels, on which the main economic indicators depend – deadweight, which reflects the size of the vessel and its carrying capacity for bulk carriers; as well as the age of the courts, which determines the cost of their rent and the level of operational costs.
The result of the research is an optimization model that allows to determine for each market a variant of transport equipment and its parameters. Model not only distributes deliveries according to transport options, but also determines which vessels of what size and age (for time charter) should carry out transportation. These results are focused on the exporter's decision-making process about sales markets in combination with decisions on transport provision before concluding contracts. Varying the size and age of the vessels makes it possible to consider a wider range of options from the point of view of parameters.
The practical use of the model allows the exporter at the stage of preparation (before the conclusion of contracts) depending on the volume of supplies and the market situation, including the freight one, to make decisions about options for transport support, which is taken into account when formulating transport conditions of contracts. Integral consideration of commercial (volumes of deliveries, transport terms of contracts), economic (price levels, freight rates, costs) and technological (size of vessels and their age) factors within the framework of the model allows taking into account the multifaceted nature of the problem of transport provision.
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