Concrete manufacturing with a low CO2 footprint




cement production, carbon dioxide emissions, alternative raw materials, building materials, Net Zero CO2, clinker-factor


The object of the research is the current state of the climate action strategy for cement and concrete production, including possible levers for reducing CO2 emissions.

It has been determined that the main source of carbon dioxide emissions per tonne of Portland cement, and subsequently per cubic metre of concrete, is the decarbonization of calcium carbonate, the main raw material component of Portland cement clinker. It also involves the combustion of fossil fuels, which are necessary for the decarbonization and firing of raw materials. Therefore, Portland cement with a reduced content of Portland cement clinker is considered as a solution for concrete manufacturing with a low CO2 footprint. Additionally, the potential of Ukraine in the development of a sustainable Portland cement clinker production approach based on using alternative fuels and alternative raw materials, which will positively affect the total amount of CO2 per ton of clinker, was evaluated. Improved quality performance of cement has been identified as a key direction in product portfolio management to promote cements with a lower clinker factor by increasing the content of active mineral additives. It is shown that the production of concrete with increased strength and durability requirements based on cements saturated with active mineral additives is an important task. Since active mineral additives have different origins, not all of them available for use in cement production exhibit hydraulic properties inherent in Portland cement clinker.

Was investigated that «Complex Performance Testing System» (CPTS) as the main test method for evaluating the quality parameters of Portland cement with a reduced clinker factor in accordance with specific applications. This customer-oriented approach opens up the possibility of producing low-CO2 concrete. It has been shown that using the CPTS method, a reduction in the total amount of cement per cubic meter of concrete can be achieved, given the specified parameters of the concrete mix, which has a direct impact on the total amount of CO2/m3.

Author Biography

Anastasiia Bielohrad, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Department of Chemical Technology of Composite Materials


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Concrete manufacturing with a low CO2 footprint




How to Cite

Bielohrad, A. (2023). Concrete manufacturing with a low CO2 footprint. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(3(71), 6–10.



Chemical and Technological Systems