Analytical aspects of application of intelligent methods of management of computer systems in transport infrastructure projects
monitoring, computer system, computer network, transport management, information processingAbstract
The object of research is the processes of monitoring and intelligent control of computer systems in transport infrastructure projects. In the design and operation of computer networks, an urgent task is to solve the problem of providing quality services with distributed information processing, which is largely determined by the development of the network management mechanism of the transport system. The increase in the amount of digital data creates security and protection of information solely at the expense of the aspects of their design and operation. The paper considers the methods of intelligent network management of computer systems in transport infrastructure projects, analyzes their principles of operation and functions in relation to the network infrastructure. Methods using intelligent agents are analyzed and the results of their application to computer network management are presented. The use of intelligent agents in computer networks and systems allows automating complex tasks, optimizing resources and increasing the efficiency of the network of the transport economy system. They can contribute to increased productivity, safety, and user satisfaction.
The considered algorithms for processing the results of the examination of the load of the transport network infrastructure are used to ensure effective management of the transport system. Processing algorithms allow analyzing the current state of traffic in different sections of the transport network. These algorithms can be used to develop optimal traffic distribution strategies. A case of their application is presented.
One of the main tasks of the transport sector is to ensure traffic safety, which can be achieved by quickly processing information and receiving it distributed to all levels of the management system for quick analysis, processing, and (if necessary) response. The paper proposes to use methods of monitoring, expert evaluation of the general state of the computer network and the development of management decisions that take into account the peculiarities of the structure and functioning of computer systems in transport infrastructure projects.
This ensures the ability to transmit information with specified service quality parameters with minimal network resource consumption.
The research presented in this paper can be used in practice in organizations and enterprises of the transport sector during the reorganization, improvement, or integration of individual components of the information system.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Halyna Holub, Iryna Voronko, Borys Azizov, Vitalii Chernenko, Mykola Moseichuk, Vitalii Ishchenko

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