Development and implementation of strategies for modernization of export-import enterprises: from technological audit to increasing international trade volumes




production modernization, export-import activity, technological audit, modernization strategies, international trade


The research object in this paper is strategies of production modernization in export-import enterprises. This research examines various approaches to modernizing production at these enterprises with particular emphasis on technologies implementation.

While export-import enterprises modernization has been studied by scholars, this work is focused on current challenges posed by contemporary geopolitical conditions and globalization. The issue addressed in the research revolves around the need to develop and implement strategies for modernizing production in export-import enterprises, taking into account the impact of geopolitical factors and the situation in global market.

The research confirms importance of introducing modern technologies and technical upgrades to enhance production efficiency at these enterprises, particularly through conducting technological audits. The results of this research validate that modernizing production leads to increased competitiveness for enterprises in international market. New technologies implementation and product quality improvement create a foundation for increased demand for the goods and services provided by these enterprises. These findings have significant practical application potential and can serve as guidance for regulators and enterprise managers striving to enhance their competitiveness and stability in the face of growing geopolitical and market turbulence.

The strategies for production modernization proposed by the author can be practically applied under the circumstances where export-import enterprises encounter escalating geopolitical challenges and dynamic shifts in global market.

Author Biography

Anastasiia Ivakhiv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Postgraduate Student

Department of Accounting Technologies and Taxation


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Development and implementation of strategies for modernization of export-import enterprises: from technological audit to increasing international trade volumes




How to Cite

Ivakhiv, A. (2023). Development and implementation of strategies for modernization of export-import enterprises: from technological audit to increasing international trade volumes. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(4(73), 32–36.



Economics and Enterprise Management