Correction of gyroscopes errors in operating conditions by volumetric nonlinearity of float suspension


  • Владислав Юрійович Шибецький National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 37, Prospect Peremohy, 03056, Kyiv, Ukraine



floating gyroscope, non-zero Gaussian curvature, convex suspension, N-wave


This article examines the interaction of powerful shock acoustic wave with floating gyroscope suspension used in aerospace and aeronautical engineering. The main aim of the work is to assess the degree of influence of N-waves on the systematic component of the measurement error of the angular velocity. The usage of modern computer technology makes it possible to simulate the processes of interaction of acoustic fields with navigation devices without conducting of bench researches. The results for the angular velocity sensor, that series-produced by industry, are analyzed in this article. The results, obtained using the computer program, reproduce the seminatural bench test data with satisfactory accuracy. The transition from the classical to the convex circular cylinder suspension with non-zero Gaussian curvature is suggested to error reduce. Usage of the convex suspension does not significantly reduce the magnitude of the measurement errors but may be justified if necessary to increase the stiffness of the structure. The research results can be applied in the design and development of navigation equipment of aircraft.

Author Biography

Владислав Юрійович Шибецький, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 37, Prospect Peremohy, 03056, Kyiv


Department of biotech and engineering


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How to Cite

Шибецький, В. Ю. (2014). Correction of gyroscopes errors in operating conditions by volumetric nonlinearity of float suspension. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(20), 12–15.



Mechanical Engineering Technology: Original Research