Gyro errors conditioned by developing pitching motion of fuselage during flight operations
floated gyro, asynchronous pitching motion, systematic error, three-component pitching motionAbstract
Numerical analysis of the error of a single-degree-of-freedom gyro sensor of angular velocity of the DUSU2 type with liquid-static suspension in conditions of asynchronous structure of the angular movement of fuselage in acoustic flying fields was made. It aims at studying the influence of developing aircraft pitching motion on the error of single-degree-of-freedom differentiating gyro.
The study of this phenomenon is based on the change of absolutely firm float suspension surface to the impedance one, arising during flight operations, that inevitably causes the elastic stress state and Euler inertia forces, forming the error structure.
For the most typical frequency values of kinematic perturbations, systematic components of the instrument errors and their resonance values, were identified, bearing the greatest practical interest and caused by the selectivity effect of kinematic perturbations of the corresponding forms of acoustic vibration from the suspension surface.
The results can be applied during recording flight-navigation equipment of various aircrafts and ground based aids.
There is a need of solving the problems of creating acoustic comfort of airborne equipment using passive methods or circuit designs.
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