Terms and conditions
Version 1.1.
Publication date 08.11.2024
Please read these Terms and Conditions (hereafter – Terms) before using the https://journals.uran.ua/eejet website (hereafter – Site). Terms determine the procedure for using the materials, products and services of the Site (collectively, the Content).
These Terms create a contract between you and PRIVATE COMPANY "TECHNOLOGY CENTER" (hereinafter – TECHNOLOGY CENTER PC® or "we") and apply every time you interact with the Content of the Site, regardless of whether you are registered or not.
By using the Site, accessing the Content, you agree to abide by these Terms. If you do not agree with any part of these Terms, please do not use the Site.
The site and its content, except for materials under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, are the intellectual property of PRIVATE COMPANY "TECHNOLOGY CENTER". All copyrights are protected in accordance with current legislation.
TECHNOLOGY CENTER grants you a limited, non-exclusive license to download, copy, store and reproduce the Content of the Site solely for personal informational or scientific use, subject to compliance with copyright and other notices contained in the Content, as well as taking into account these Terms.
The use of the Site Content, namely: copying and reproduction of the Content for the purpose of its further distribution for commercial purposes is allowed only with the prior written permission of TECHNOLOGY CENTER. The request for obtaining permission should be sent to the e-mail address info@entc.com.ua
Terms of use of the Site
Unless otherwise specified, you may not copy, display, modify, distribute, publish, reproduce, transmit, translate or create other derivative works (including using artificial intelligence tools) of the Site Content for further commercial use.
It is forbidden to use the Content of the Site in combination with artificial intelligence tools, in particular, but not exclusively, for training, testing, processing and analysis, generating results. It is also prohibited to use any malicious software that, in particular, but not exclusively, can disrupt the operation of the Site and its elements, collect personal data of third parties, change the functionality of the Site with the help of any programs.
TECHNOLOGY CENTER provides access to the Site Content on an "as is" basis, while users and visitors to the Site get access to the Site Content with all possible defects that appeared immediately or not immediately, without any objections or claims from their side. In no event shall TECHNOLOGY CENTER be liable for any loss of data, lost revenue, cost of coverage, or other special, incidental, consequential, indirect, incidental, consequential damages arising out of or in connection with these Terms. TECHNOLOGY CENTER specifically disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement arising out of the use of the Site.
Changes to the Terms
We may change, add or remove parts of these Terms at any time and without prior notice. The corresponding changes will enter into force immediately after publication. You are responsible for reviewing these Terms before each use of the Site. Your continued use of the Site Content means that you have read, accepted and agreed to the changes.
The date these Terms were last updated will be displayed in the upper corner of these Terms.
E-mail info@entc.com.ua
Postal address: Shatylova dacha str., 4, office 702, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61165
Contact phone +380 (50) 3033801