Terminology used in the title of the «Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies» - «enterprise technologies» should be read as «industrial technologies». «Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies» publishes all those best ideas from the science, which can be introduced in the industry. Since, obtaining  the high-quality, competitive industrial products is based on introducing high technologies from various independent spheres of scientific researches, but united by a common end result - a finished high-technology product. Among these scientific spheres, there are information technologies and control systems, engineering, energy and energy saving. Publishing scientific papers in these directions are the main development «vectors» of the «Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies». Since, these are those directions of scientific researches, the results of which can be directly used in modern industrial production: space and aircraft industry, instrument-making industry, mechanical engineering, power engineering, chemical industry and metallurgy.

Therefore, the scientists, associated with modern production, have the opportunity to participate in technology transfer to industry, publishing the results of their applied scientific researches. Industrialists, in turn, can draw scientific and practical information from the journal - each in their direction:

  • specialists in management and computer science - from volumes «Applied Information Technologies and Control Systems», «Mathematics and Cybernetics - Applied Aspects»;
  • mechanical and design engineers - from the volume «Applied Mechanics»;
  • production engineers - from volumes «Mechanical Engineering Technology», «Applied Physics», «Materials Science», «Technology of organic and inorganic substances and the Ecology»;
  • production and power engineers - from the volume «Energy-saving technology and equipment».

The goal of the journal is to eliminate the gap, which occurs between the rapidly emerging new scientific knowledge and their introduction in the industry, which requires much more time. Industrial enterprises are active subscribers to the «Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies», and production engineers check the practical value of those scientific and technological ideas, which are recommended for implementation by scientists-authors of the ''Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies».

The objective of the journal in achieving the goal is forming a «scientific component» of modern technologies transfer from science to industry. Therefore, in the papers, published in the journal, the emphasis is placed on both scientific novelty, and practical value.


The "Technology audit and production reserves" journal INVITES ║ Журнал "Технологічний аудит та резерви виробництва" ЗАПРОШУЄ


In December 2024, the "Technology audit and production reserves" journal was accepted to ScopusWe are waiting for its title to appear in the new Title list.

Take advantage of the opportunity to submit an article to No. 1_2025 at "REASONABLE" price, which will be valid only for the first issues of this year.

Please contact us:
tarp.nauka@gmail.com, tapr@entc.com.ua
+380(50)3811077 (Viber/ Telegram/ WhatsApp)


У грудні 2024 журнал "Технологічний аудит та резерви виробництва" прийнято до ScopusЧекаємо появи його назви у новому Title list.

Скористайтесь можливістю подати статтю в №1_2025 за "БЮДЖЕТНОЮ" ціною, яка буде діяти лише для перших номерів цього року.

tarp.nauka@gmail.com, tapr@entc.com.ua
+380(50)3811077 (Viber/ Telegram/ WhatsApp)

Read more about The "Technology audit and production reserves" journal INVITES ║ Журнал "Технологічний аудит та резерви виробництва" ЗАПРОШУЄ

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (133) (2025): Engineering technological systems
Published: 2025-02-05

Engineering technological systems

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Drawing up the items of the publication ethics policy of the journal «Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies» Editors followed the recommendations of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).