Consideration of obstacles to the development of the dairy industry of Ukraine on the way to European integration




dairy industry, European integration processes, obstacles to development, agricultural enterprises, households


The object of research is the key tasks of the European integration processes of the dairy industry of Ukraine and obstacles to their implementation. In the course of the study, the author used general scientific and special methods, in particular: the method of system analysis and the method of generalization; methods of analysis and synthesis; statistical and tabular methods; and the method of comparison.

The paper examines the main tasks of the European integration processes of the dairy industry of Ukraine, which take into account the general concept of development of the European economy: food security; safety and quality of dairy products; maintenance of healthy livestock; openness and transparency of market organization and reporting; Environmental issue. The study highlights the obstacles to the development of the dairy industry of Ukraine on the way to joining the EU, and the plan of priority actions of the state for 2023–2024. The main obstacle to the development of Ukraine is the occupation of the territory, which hinders socio-economic development and increases macroeconomic risks. Widespread migration and the growth of counterfeiting and the shadow market do not contribute to positive assessments of the fulfillment of the conditions for Ukraine's accession to the EU. We are witnessing decisive steps on the part of the state to improve the quality of dairy products and resolve issues related to the establishment of logistics links between Ukraine and the EU countries. This study needs to be discussed and further studied.

The country desperately needs to build up stable and mutually beneficial economic relations between the EU and Ukraine in the dairy industry. Despite the loss of Ukrainian territory, disruption of logistical links, migration and lack of qualified personnel, reduction in the number of dairy cows, decrease in the production of raw milk, changes in the production process, Ukraine has great chances to become one of the main suppliers of dairy products to European markets.

Author Biography

Nataliia Riabinina, Institute of Food Resources of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


Department of Economic Research


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Consideration of obstacles to the development of the dairy industry of Ukraine on the way to European integration




How to Cite

Riabinina, N. (2024). Consideration of obstacles to the development of the dairy industry of Ukraine on the way to European integration. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(4(78), 31–37.



Development of Productive Forces and Regional Economy