Approaches to essence interpretation of international strategy of industrial enterprise marketing




marketing strategy, international marketing strategy, industrial marketing, global processes


The more in-depth study of the theoretical foundations and approaches to the formation of an international marketing strategy of industrial enterprises in Ukraine is shown in the article. Using the theoretical developments of national and international economic science, conceptual principles of modern economic theory, dedicated to the international strategic marketing, a detailed analysis of the trends and understanding the specific application in the industry is conducted in the article. The absence of consensus on the issue of marketing management mechanism in the international dimension under the prism of globalization is identified. The proposed definition specifies the notion of "international marketing strategy of industrial enterprise" and also pointed to the specific features of marketing strategy formation at the industrial enterprises in the context of globalization. The research results can be used in industrial enterprises of Ukraine in the formation of marketing strategy in international markets.

Author Biography

Ірина Миколаївна Джадан, International University of Finances, 37, Avenue Peremogy, Kyiv

Senior Lecturer

Department of Economics and Business


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How to Cite

Джадан, І. М. (2014). Approaches to essence interpretation of international strategy of industrial enterprise marketing. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(2(20), 7–12.