Determination of the energy efficiency of granulation equipment based on exergy analysis




granulation of mineral fertilizers, granulator, urea, filling, rolling, active hydrodynamics, granulation, exergy


The object of research is the process of granulation of mineral fertilizers by applying rolling and pouring methods, as well as in fluidized and suspended layers with active hydrodynamics of flows. It is noted that the development of the main technological stages of the production of granulated fertilizers should be aimed at improving the hardware design of granulators, establishing the most rational regime and technological parameters of the process in order to increase its efficiency and reduce energy costs. It is noted that the main indicators of the efficiency of granulation plants using heat are economic costs, exergy losses, as well as reduced costs. The method of exergy analysis for the assessment of energy costs for granulation processes in different types of granulators is presented, which allows to justify the choice of rational parameters of the specified processes, taking into account energy costs and equipment efficiency. Equations are presented for determining the amount of exergy of material flows and exergy losses caused by heat exchange at finite temperature differences of technological flows at the entrance to the device and at the exit from it. The equation for determining the exergy efficiency, which characterizes the energy efficiency of the technical system, is presented. The smaller the temperature difference for the technological flows at the exit from the device, the smaller the exergy losses, the higher the value of the exergy efficiency. and, accordingly, the device will have greater energy efficiency. An exergy analysis of granulation processes in granulation towers without a cooler, in granulation towers with a cooler, fluidized bed devices and multi-stage (shelf) devices was carried out. The analysis showed that the exergy efficiency for the specified granulation plants is equal to: 64 %, 71 %, 32 % and 96 %, respectively. The obtained research results can be applied in production conditions where granulation towers and devices of fluidized or suspended layers are used. Enterprises that plan to reduce energy costs and increase the environmental safety of their technological processes can implement improvements based on the proposed methods and equations. The application of research results will contribute to the selection of more rational indicators of the granule production process, which will increase the productivity and quality of the final product.

Supporting Agency

  • This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 871072. Additionally, this research work has been carried out within the project «Fulfillment of tasks of the perspective plan of development of a scientific direction «Technical sciences» Sumy State University» (State Reg. No. 0121U112684) funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

Ruslan Ostroha, Sumy State University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Chemical Engineering

Mykola Yukhymenko, Sumy State University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Chemical Engineering

Dmytro Myshchenko, Sumy State University

PhD Student

Department of Chemical Engineering

Maksym Skydanenko, Sumy State University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Chemical Engineering

Oleksandr Ivchenko, Sumy National Agrarian University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Engineering Systems Design

Dmytro Zhyhylii, Sumy State University

PhD, Associate Professor

Volodymyr Martsynkovskyy Computational Mechanics Department

Liudmyla Ponomarova, Sumy State University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry

Jozef Bocko, Technical University of Kosice

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering


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Determination of the energy efficiency of granulation equipment based on exergy analysis




How to Cite

Ostroha, R., Yukhymenko, M., Myshchenko, D., Skydanenko, M., Ivchenko, O., Zhyhylii, D., Ponomarova, L., & Bocko, J. (2024). Determination of the energy efficiency of granulation equipment based on exergy analysis. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(79).



Mechanical Engineering Technology