Modification of the Boston Consulting Group matrix in the strategic management of an enterprise




рortfolio, analysis, matrix, strategy, position, innovations, products – «dreams»


The article deals with the topical issues of how the domestic enterprises use the system of analysis and assessment of external and internal environments, detect their products position at the market compared to the competitive products and select the strategy of their further development taking into account the peculiarities of the innovative activity of domestic enterprises. For this purpose it is suggested to use the portfolio analysis methods. Based on the results of the analysis of the well-known portfolio matrices the conclusion has been drawn that with the view of the evaluation and formation of the strategic directions of an enterprise as well as detection of its innovative activity it is required to modify the Boston Consulting Group matrix. The use of the modified Boston Consulting Group matrix will help to shape an effective strategy of the further development of an enterprise after having analyzed the enterprise activity in dynamics and having balanced the life cycles of separate products in the corresponding business directions of the «enterprise portfolio». The implementation of the modified Boston Consulting Group matrix into the activity of «Ozon» LLC has allowed revealing the problems in the matrix use which has defined the prospects of further investigations.

Author Biographies

Василь Васильович Козик, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 S. Bandery St., c. Lviv, 79013

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Economics ofEnterpriseand Investments

Христина Ярославівна Соловій, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 S. Bandery St., c. Lviv, 79013

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant

Department of Economics ofEnterpriseand Investments


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How to Cite

Козик, В. В., & Соловій, Х. Я. (2016). Modification of the Boston Consulting Group matrix in the strategic management of an enterprise. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(3(27), 96–102.